Couverture Chocolate
Dark Chocolate Couverture
Specific blends combined with accurate roasting and perfect conching times reveal symphonic flavours and taste to create our Dark Chocolate Couvertures, crafted by Belgians. We have some variants of Dark Chocolate Couverture from 58%, 66%, 70%, and 72% cocoa.

Milk Chocolate Couverture
These superior quality Milk Chocolate Couvertures are made of whole milk, produced by grass-fed cows in France, and with a touch of Natural Madagascar Black Bourbon Vanilla. The perfect balance of lighty roasted beans and the richness of French cow milk, providing a uniquely indulging experience. We have some variants of Milk Chocolate Couverture from 37%, 42%, and 44% cocoa.

White Couverture
This superior quality White Chocolate Couvertures are made of whole milk, produced by grass-fed cows in France, and with a touch of Natural Madagascar Black Bourbon Vanilla. A great blend of cocoa butter of various origins top up our unique formulations. This White Chocolate Couverture consist of 30% cocoa.

Compound Chocolates
Dark Chocolate compound
Our Compound Chocolates are non tempering, with home roasted cocoa powder blends and subtle mouthfeel. This compound have a superior flavour taste of dark with long lasting notes of bitterness.

Milk Chocolate compound
Produced just like our couverture through the conching method, resulting in an extremely smooth and silky mouthfeel. These have round flavors without the waxy texture. Very easy to use and does not require tempering.

White Chocolate Compound
This White Chocolate Compounds are made of whole milk, produced by grass-fed cows in France. These have round flavors without the waxy texture.

Fruit Filling
This is a versatile fruit filling with great fruit integrity. Fruit integrity is preserved (shape, flavor, color) and keeps its natural organoleptic properties. It is ideal for inserts, mixing with creams and toppings, and also made for cold and baked applications. We have some variant fruits : Apple, Banana, Dark Cherry, Blueberry, Raspberry, and Strawberry.
Gedung Menara Palma Lantai 12
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Blok X-2 Kav. 6
Kel. Kuningan Timur, Kec. Setiabudi
Jakarta Selatan 12950 -
021-29391279 fax 021-29391222
Ruko Inkopal Blok A No. 33A
Jl. Boulevard Barat Kelapa Gading
Kel. Kelapa Gading Barat, Kec. Kelapa Gading
Jakarta Utara 14240 -
021-45859111, 45859122 Fax. 021-45859113
Green Sedayu Bizpark Blok GS 15 No. 68
Jl. Raya Cakung Cilincing Timur Raya
Jakarta Utara
021- 29832982